Author Archives: reverend

KetoSoy: The Experiment

By | September 23, 2015

I’ve read a lot about the Ketogenic version of Soylent, called “KetoSoy”.  It’s a bit of a misnomer as many people seem to think it’s soy based. It’s not. The basic premise is that it’s a complete, low-carb meal replacement.  It’s a powder you mix with the supplied oil, add sweetener to taste, and add… Read More »

Dividend Reinvestment Calculator –

By | August 23, 2015

Finding out how much money you would have now, if you invested in XOM in 1995 and reinvested all your dividends? will allow you to enter a ticket, a date to start and begin and tell you the vital information. It’s a very handy tool to show people the power of compounding and time.  

Networthify – a retirement calculator

By | July 31, 2015

This is hands down one of the neatest retirement calculators out there. While it’s relatively simplistic and doesn’t take all the variables into account, it gives you a good idea of your income, savings rate and how long it takes before you get enough money from your investments to live off of. You have the option… Read More »

Volvo 960 mileage log

By | August 6, 2012

I track all expenses related to my car(s) and here’s the latest fuel log from when I purchased it in 2008.  It’s instantly clear that the mileage suffered  when I started doing more city driving the last six months than when all I did was longer commutes. It’s also interesting to note the total miles… Read More »

Volvo 960 parts & updates

By | November 8, 2010

1, The windshield squirter nozzles were replaced from the dual-stream ones to the C70 spray-pattern ones. I still have a bit of adjustment to do, but they are a direct replacement and cover the windshield far better. It was a simple task with needle-nose pliers to pop the old one out and push the new… Read More »