My 2006 Netgear (then Infrant) ReadyNAS NV+ finally stopped working. I had turned it off during a thunderstorm after which it failed to turn back on.
Opening it up, I found that it LOOKS like a regular Flex ATX (ITX) power supply, but comparing connectors revealed that there were two pins that had to be changed.
ReadyNAS pinout
Taking a chance, I ordered a $16 regular power supply, rather than paying the $120 for a proper replacement.
Popping out the yellow +12 wires out of the 4-pin connector and removing the blue -12 wire out of the 20-pin connector, I was ready to insert the two yellow +12 wires into the 20-pin connector to make the NAS happy.
Tip: Use a 3mm LED to remove the connector pins. It’s cheaper than $5 and a week-long wait for a tool from Amazon!
Before you start, LABEL YOUR DRIVES! In this picture you can see my sharpie marks at the top of the gray tabs. When you insert them later, you know in which slot they go in.
Helpful sites:
Disassemble the NAS:
Pictures of replacement:
Brilliant tutorial thanks, got mine working with an old ATX power supply by following this.