KetoSoy: The Experiment

By | September 23, 2015

I’ve read a lot about the Ketogenic version of Soylent, called “KetoSoy”.  It’s a bit of a misnomer as many people seem to think it’s soy based. It’s not.
The basic premise is that it’s a complete, low-carb meal replacement.  It’s a powder you mix with the supplied oil, add sweetener to taste, and add water.  It will then replace your breakfast, lunch and dinner with 1800 low-carb calories.


Well, never one to shy from an experiment, I ordered up a supply and tried it.  The first day was a disaster. While the powder smells vaguely of chocolate, the flavor just isn’t there.
I mixed in just two cups of water and then hand mixed it with a fork, and that was my BIG mistake. The resulting shake is a lumpy and oddly cardboard-flavored (with hints of damp wheat) mix that just doesn’t sit well.

The next day went far better. I picked up a stick mixer which REALLY blends the powder well. I also added 3 cups of water and a healthy heaping of whipping cream to add a bit of milk-like texture. This is FAR more palatable.

The third day was even better. I think I’m up to almost four cups of water now. It’s a lot runnier and less shake-like, but the flavor has a hint of chocolate and doesn’t taste “tasteless” or wheaty at all.
Either I’m getting used to it, or the whipping cream and more water really does the trick.

What I have found myself doing now is using the morning shake to sip on through the morning and over lunch. Then I eat a normal dinner at home.   This is not a complete meal replacement for me because I really like the flavor and texture of real food, but using only a third of the recommended dosage (600 calories) throughout the day sustains me and then a proper dinner makes me happy.

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