This was an interesting issue.
Originally, a user got a new computer, part of which was using Windows Easy Transfer to grab all his info from the old computer and restoring it on the new one.
When he wanted to install the Plantronics Hub software, it failed with error 0x80070643.
I found a reference to the .Net framework, which I know can be screwed up by an AS400 terminal program the user also had installed, so I had to run the .Net ramework Cleanup Tool. This didn’t quite grab it all, so I had to grab the Windows Uninstall Tool to grab the last few remnants.
Now the Plantronics software complained about .Net not being installed.
Install it fresh, and it was back to the error code!
After some more digging, I found a reference to the COM+ in Component Services. It said that removing the Plantronics reference will allow it to reinstall.
Now the NEXT problem was that I didn’t have access to get there. Once I clicked on “My Computer”, it gave me an Access Denied error. “My Computer” had a red down-arrow in it.
As it turns out, this is a hiccup when using Windows Easy Transfer.
To make a long story a whole lot shorter, the solution to fix this COM+ error was to take a FRESH computer with the same OS and grab the WIndows Settings out of the Windows Easy Transfer and apply them to the computer with the COM+ error.
This repaired the COM+ so there was no more red down-arrow, no “access denied” and now the Plantronics software installed like a charm.
If anyone needs my .MIG file from Windows 7 Enterprise x64, I can upload it.
We can’t see the images in full size because you’ve linked them to your internal/LAN IP address “”.
Thanks. Yep, it appears that I’ve SNAFU’d a wordpress setting. I’ll get that fixed, thanks for pointing it out.